Every semester the chapter gets a list of candidates eligible to join HKN. They will be sent an email at the beginning of the semester. If the candidate fulfills the requirements he or she is required to attend an induction ceremony and is then formally invited to join the chapter.

Eligibility to join HKN is defined, based on year, as follows:
Sophomore Undergraduate Students
The top fifth of the sophomore class (having completed one-fourth of the degree requirements) are invited to be inducted.
Junior Undergraduate Students
The top quarter of the junior class (having completed one-half of the degree requirements) are invited to be inducted.
Senior Undergraduate Students
The top third of the senior class (having completed three-fourths of the degree requirements) are invited to be inducted.
Graduate Students
All ECEN graduate students who have successfully completed at least one semester at Texas A&M are invited to be inducted.
All faculty of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department with the rank of Assistant Professor or higher will be considered for IEEE-HKN membership. Their position automatically qualifies them for membership.
Electrical and computer engineers who have a distinguished record in industry, government, education, or management may be initiated by the Gamma Mu chapter. They need not be graduates of TAMU, nor is it necessary to inquire into their academic records. Approvals by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department head and the IEEE-HKN faculty advisor are needed.


Membership requirements are as follows:
Undergraduate Student Requirements
In order to be inducted into the Gamma Mu Chapter of IEEE - Eta Kappa Nu, active participation in the chapters' events is required via attendance to a total of SIX(6) of the following event types; 3 of the 6 points must be from each of the following categories. Attendance will be recorded under the PointDirectory tab:
Corporate Meetings
Social Events
Service Events
Graduate Student Requirements
In order to be inducted into the Gamma Mu Chapter of IEEE - Eta Kappa Nu, active participation in the chapters' events is required via attendance to a total of THREE of any of the following event types:
Corporate Meetings
Social Events
Service Events